I’m LEWDUA, and I've been drawing futanari and lewds -almost- every night for years. I love it! All my art is FREE

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If you really like my art and want more (download HD version, polls, Making of videos etc), you can support me to my patreon or SubscribeStar:

I'm at the park, wanna join? Natasha and Alison (WIP)

Hello lewdies 🥰

This post is a sneaky pic (Work In Progress) of the story I've been working on for one week. I actually took the opportunity to separate it into 2 distinct subjects in 2 different posts. Natasha doesn't seems to understand Alison's issues.

I'm still working hard on the next part, I need a few days to complete the lewd part... stay tuned! ❤

Have a great day!

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Unknown said…
pls make nessie and alison a couple again there one of the OG's
Jim said…
Natasha is in love with David? Hahahahaha
Unknown said…
inb4 Alison is emotionally manipulative
Man natasha should take a hint😅 we can understand her tho
BoiBoi said…
Seems like the attitude is hereditary
Ryan said…
Poor Alison! Cant wait for the next installment!
Arkhan said…
Damm Alison ... leaving her like that
While I will always adore this adorable donut-hole of a futanari, I’m glad we’re focusing on Allison’s inner flaws and other internal issues, as someone that has experienced an emotional bender similar to hers, sexual or not, I know for a fact that sometimes, we need to take a step back, and just tell ourselves we need to get our shit together. Assistance from close ones always helps
Unknown said…
great job, well done and thanks from the other side...
mel said…
Nessie and Alison back pleaseee
KOKAYI 005 said…
Well if Alison learns from her issues and becomes a better person I dont mind her going back to Nessie. But isnt that hanging Karen out to dry?
Unknown said…
Am I the only one that is curious about the pic at the top of the dialog?
NessiAlison said…
Dear. I really hope this leads Nessi to Alison to get their relationship back. I'm dying for it. This publication in a way manages to lift my spirits being at a time when I also have personal problems feeling quite sad. Remember to smile sweetheart. You have the final say on what Lewdua's fate holds for him.
Anonymous said…
Not sure if Alison is having issues with feelings for David or Nessie, or no one. Ultimately I still hope that Nessie and Alison get back together one day, always been my favorite couple here.
lordchair said…
I want to see that dick pic on Natasha's phone! So cruel!! ;-)
Anonymous said…
I feel like allison laying with David has shown her that she has gone too far. It's not about having feelings for David. In nessie, and allisons relationship. Allison was the more dominant one. So when they broke up ally cbose to drown her feelings in pleasure, and running her dads business. While nessie keeps hers bottled up, and hides them in her art. I think ally liked losing to kristen, cause it probably reminded her of the times she allowed nessie to top. Also the only other person nessie has ever fully done it with was her Dr. Though i dont know if that one was canon. Also i feel like Karen is jealous of ally for being with her sister. So she keeps nessie away in spite.
Footninja said…
You David fans broke Alison
GreeneyedLolipop said…
Am I the only one who doesn't want Alison to get it together? I like her messing around (when I first saw the strip where Alison and Natasha hook up in public and Alison says she wants to fuck and "don't tell Nessie or your sister" I had actually missed their breakup and I thought it was extra hot because I thought Alison was cheating) and I don't want her to work things out with Nessie though I would definitely like her to play homewrecker with her......